Called to transcend violence

[youtube=]Everything must change

“This peacemaking work was not an expression of defeat or weakness at all, but rather, it required a courageous and confident commitment to transcend violence.”-from Brian McLaren’s “Everything Must Change”

Brian McLaren may be one of the most important voices in mainstreaming Christian nonviolence. His newest book, “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crisis and a Revolution of Hope” continues his journey and this trajectory pursuing the God of Peace. Brian McLaren has been amazing in his support for ‘Empowering Peacemakers’ (or EPYC) and other initiates for (eco)justice and conflict transformation.Brian McLaren“In my travels around the world, I see a lot to inspire cynicism -including a lot of shabby religious stuff I’d rather not even give examples of. But I also meet people who inspire hope and courage in me -emerging young leaders who “get” Jesus’ message of the kingdom of God, and who are living it and giving it away. They see the integral nature of mission – that it brings together God and humanity, humanity and creation, grace and nature, contemplation and action, evangelism and social justice, faith and politics, the making of disciples and the making of peace. Jarrod McKenna and friends are beautiful examples of this new breed of emerging integral leaders. I thank God for them. May their tribe increase!” Brian McLaren

neighbourly beyond fear

“But perfect love drives out fear…” (1 John 4:18)

Micheal Leunig's angles horror

My Mennonite mate and fellow peacemaker Mark Hurst of the AAANZ recently sent me a brilliant sermon that he had given in the US. It spoke to me about how radical being ‘neighbourly’ is in our world today:

“A film crew researching for a telemovie about the September 11 hijackers visited the neighbourhood in Germany where some of the hijackers lived for awhile and planned their attacks. One of the actors, trying to understand these men and trying to get into his role, came to this insight about Western culture:
“Nobody cares who you are, no neighbours say hi. We are not used to this in the Middle East. I often wonder what would have happened if someone had simply welcomed Mohammed Atta [one of the hijackers], said: ‘Hi, here’s a pie I baked earlier. Would you like some?’”

(Adam LeBor, “Meet The Neighbours”, The Weekend Australian, August 20-21, 2005, Inquirer, 22.)”

Later I heard “The Nature of Fear Debate” from the 2007 Australian Science Festival where they talked about terrorism. Fascinating listening in light of Mark’s comments. Reflecting on this a number things came to mind; the men I’ve worked in prison with, the ongoing war in Iraq, my experiences on the streets with people who are homeless, my work with students in conflict transformation, the violence in my own neighbourhood, and in my own heart. The power of Mark’s comments about simple humanising actions we all can do, really struck me. That maybe ‘love for neighbour’ isn’t sentimental but is our best form of ‘self-defence’. And has the power to move us beyond fear.

Josh Hobby, John Dear and Sister TheresaBoth made me think of the Peace Tree Community’s Josh Hobby (pictured left vigiling with our friends John Dear and sister Theresa and below in the Lockridge Community Garden). Josh intervened in a domestic violence situation in our neighbourhood by taking over a cake he had baked. Not rocket science.  But beautiful, brave and simple humanising actions we all can do that witness to the kingdom.

May bakers for a better world, generosity and creativity as a form of descalation and general neighbourliness increase! And may it start with us, with the people next door.

Josh Hobby in the garden