we SUPPORT NONVIOLENCE INITIATIVES IN AUSTRALIA and we invite you to join us. Here's how...
Invest in a world free from war, poverty, racism, the climate crisis and the epidemic of violence. Support the movement for peace and nonviolence!
Donations may be made by direct deposit, cheque or money order.
The Peace Fund supports activities that promote the prevention or control of behaviour that is harmful or abusive to humans. Donations to the Peace Fund are tax deductible. Contact us to receive a receipt.
To donate by direct deposit:
Account name: Pace e Bene Australia Peace Fund
- BSB: 633-000
- Account: 138001524
Members are invited to make an annual voluntary donation to support the general operations of Pace e Bene Australia. This fund supports the vital operations of PeBA and pays for our website, communication, promotion and administration. PeBA has no staff and is supported by volunteers.
To donate by direct deposit:
- Account name: Pace e Bene Australia
- BSB: 633-000
- Account: 128057940
Donations by cheque or money order may be posted to the Treasurer:
- Pace e Bene Australia Inc.
- c/o 5/63 Roslyn St