We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late. (Martin Luther King Jr.)
Saturday 13th November, 1-4pm
Quaker Meeting House, Lower Hall
119 Devonshire St, Surry Hills
Gold coin entry
Learn about:
- Why nonviolent direct action in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Desmond Tutu is a legitimate response to the climate crisis
- The spirituality, theology and power of nonviolent direct action (NVDA)
- NVDA principles, skills and tactics
- How to get involved in potential actions, including the Climate Camp
- Justin Whelan, Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service
- Simon Roz, World Vision
- Catherine Cresswell, Bluegreen Media
Climate Camp:
Ordinary people around the world are participating in nonviolent direct action, including civil disobedience, at coal infrastructure, government offices, carbon exchanges and more. In early December, people from all walks of life will come together in the Hunter Valley for the ‘Camp for Climate Action 2010‘ – five days of learning, planning and sustainable living, culminating in a peaceful mass action at Bayswater power station. Among those participating are Christians, who are moved by the urgency of climate change and the failures of the political process to address it, and by a long Christian legacy of nonviolence.
And here is a short blurb for inserting into church notices and bulletins:
Christians and Climate Change: Nonviolence in Action Practical Workshop
Learn about nonviolent direct action (NVDA) in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Desmond Tutu, why NVDA is a legitimate response to the climate crisis, NVDA tactics, and how you can get involved in potential actions. Saturday 13th November, 1-4pm. Quaker Meeting House, 119 Devonshire St, Surry Hills. For more information see http://paceebene.wordpress.com/
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